CALL/TEXT 917.667.0299
Single colonic: $170
3 visits for $450
5 visits for $725
Colonic + Lymph Massage: $250
Package of 5: $920
Payment methods: cash, check, Venmo, zelle, PayPal, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. If credit card so $7 fee will be added. All pkgs expire after 6 months. No refund on pkgages!
• Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. Benefits of colon irrigation or colon cleanse may include: improved digestion, better nutrient absorption, bodily detox, relief of constipation, increased energy, improved weigh loss, balanced body pH, and improved concentration.The duration of colonic session is 45-60 minutes.
• SWEDISH - This soothing and relaxing massage technique alleviates stress.
• DEEP TISSUE - This massage delves deep into the muscle tissue to smooth out knots and relax high stress areas of the body.
• LYMPHATIC - A soft, flowing massage technique that stimulates the lymphatic system that regulates the immune system in the body.
Gentle hands-on healing technique releases tension and promotes a balanced body.
This ancient practice reduces imbalances in the bodily organs through the use of essential oils that are gently massaged into the reflex zones of the feet.